New Zealand Pictures - Mt Stokes, Kahurangi / Cobb Lake, Nelson Lakes; motel kitty in Murchison

Velvia 50.

Frames 1 through 3 are at Mt Stokes.  Frame 4 is a look into Kahurangi National Park from the road.  Frames 5 through 29 are in the park, at the Cobb Lake area by a small hydroelectric power plant.  Number 16 is the interior of one of the huts provided for hikers (or `tramping', as it is called in NZ).  We have no real idea what the aluminum band in 25 is for -- keeping possums off the tree perhaps, but then why just that tree?  There were dozens of essentially identical trees there without bands.  Frames 30 through 33 are at Nelson Lakes, where it was actively raining.  Frame 34 shows clouds on a hill near Murchison.  Frame 35 is an error and 36 is a shot of motel kitty Cindy.  (The other motel kitty, Tammy, is on the next roll.)

Map by StefanWulph