Great Basin National Park

Lehman Caves

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Various formations near the entrance

There is a short tour and a long tour (and maybe one in between) but because I was there late Saturday, I just had one option.  I forget which one this was.

I am not a speleologist and cannot say much about these various formations, except the names I remember in a few cases, so mostly I have to let the pictures speak for themselves.

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If you use a lot of imagination, you might see a mermaid diving headfirst.

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This `seahorse' looks a bit more sea-horse-y to me than the mermaid looks mermaid-y.

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Stalactites (C for Ceiling)

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This stuff is called `cave bacon' -- sheet-like curving bits.

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Here a stalactite met a stalagmite (G for Ground).

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More cave bacon.

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This is called the `wedding cake'.
I think it looks more like something out of Dr. Seuss.
